QUALITY is like oats,
if you are satisfied with oats that have already been through the horse...
Then they come a little cheaper.

We've known that there are bear nearby for many years, but we have never seen them until November 21, 2007.
Three ran across the road and when the dogs started to bark they ran up the tree at the top of our driveway. It was a
5 year old (tagged) mom and two 11 month old cubs. They stayed in the tree from noon until well after dark.
Click the pictures to enlarge

(Click on all kinds of "stuff")
Very special brother and sister co-bred by
Karin and Maryellen Kish
"Throbber" "Abby"

5 x Select Best in Show
Ch Kismet's Heart Throb ROM OFA Ch Kismet's Hearts-a-Fire Alkarah OFA
(Owned by Bob and Maryellen Kish) (Owned by Lisa Correia)
Throbber/Abby Pedigree

"There are some simple truths…dogs know what they are."

What is a breeder
Link to some pictures of Karin judging
A Breeder's Life
One of my favorite pictures of Karin,
taken in Germany at a Sieger Show.

Philosophy Of A Dog

Pre-Alkarah photo of Karin & Al in 1974
at a Northern NJGSDC show
(June Harris found the photo, those are her legs)

Wanna' hear

take your pick
spinner (With 375,000+ songs in rotation on 150+ music channels)
or online music or net radio

Pop and Grandpop's Section
Here are some of the notable sires of our dogs.
BIS AOE Sel Ex Am Ch/ Can Sel Ch Kismet's Sight for Sore Eyes TC PT ROM OFA
(Full litter brother of Ch "Garth")
Click for more about Sight for Sore Eyes: Dayglyn
GV Sel EX Ch Wayside's Honky Tonk Man ROM OFA
Am GV Sel Ex / Can Sel CH Mar Haven's And The Beat Goes On RN TC OFA

Am/Can GV Ch Welove Du Chien's R-Man ROM OFA
AOE Am GV/Can Sel Ch Woodside Nestle Quick Merwestyn HT TC CGC ROM/C OFA
Am/Can GV Ch Proven Hill's Banker of Altana TC ROM/C OFA

Am Sel/Can GV Ch Hoheneichen Conan Survival ROM/C OFA

Sel Ch Doppelt Tay Zeek v Stonehaven ROM OFA

Am Ch/Can Sel VA Jim vom Fiemereck SchHIII Kkl1a ROM OFA
Visit Jim's website: darbydanshepherds

Sel Ch Breauhausen's Red October ROM OFA

Ch Kismet's Danger Zone OFA
Classic Peanuts

For those who think a German Shepherd Dog website
isn't complete without dogs gaiting across the page.....
Here ya' go!

click the dog, to see a bunch of gaiting dogs

Photo of GV R-Man, and Karin (sort of) as ring steward at the 1999 National.
Karin has been ring steward at the GSDCA National for more than 15 years.

Emigrated with Karin, her mother, and brother from Germany

You know you're a dog person when...

Since so many people liked the Heart Throb/Diamond
litter picture, I couldn't take it off the site completely.
MORE! You know you're a dog person when...
Awesome birthday cake give to Karin by
Herb and Elsie Tarr of Tarrheim Kennels
EVEN MORE! You know you're a dog person when...

Emotional photo of Karin from the New Haven Connecticut newspaper after
Starsky was awarded Best in Show over 2500 dogs at the Longshore-Southport KC show.

For those who wonder why we've used purple highlights on this website,
it's because the ribbons awarded to the winners at dog shows are purple.
We like purple!

And God created dog
A dog thinks: Hey, those people I live with feed me, love me, provide
me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good care of me....
They must be gods!
A cat thinks: Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide
me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good care of me.....
I must be a god.
More Dog versus Cat
"The problem with cats is that they get the same
exact look whether they see a moth or an ax-murderer."
Dog Ten Commandments

"Speed is subsittute fo accurancy"

More Calvin
weird huh?
